Monday, 5 September 2016

Towards a bettter life


              While you're simply sitting & doing nothing, you maybe thinking on certain gossip lines, if he/she said that about him/her, she/he maybe like that, just think for a second, it's none of your concern, let them be their way and there you earn a reward. 
    Again,  you heard about some religious conflict, you will probably be inclined towards what you have had been hearing all through your life, but it takes kindness to think the same for the next as to avoid indulging into not going anywhere debate. Also, you can choose ignoring or staying silent on your part and there you earn reward, perhaps.
    Similarly, in our day to day lives, if we just simply focus the good, like keeping silence in a conflict only for the sake of ALLAH Almighty and forgive more often, will definitely make our lives as well our hereafter, better. May Allah guide us all to good, and keep us safe from evil eye, and the bad. Ameen to that.

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